Today and Tomorrow in Scottsdale Podcast

The Today and Tomorrow in Scottsdale Podcast seeks to bring together people with shared interests and create a sense of community. The Podcast serves as a platform for sharing information and knowledge about organizations and individuals who are moving Scottsdale forward in a positive light.

Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 113 Dr. Velma Trayham

When you spend a little time with Velma Trayham it doesn’t take long to be inspired by her passion and commitment to make our community a better place for everyone. And you certainly will understand why she was honored as one of this year’s Diversity Champions. Velma is an author, speaker and CEO of ThinkZilla, a Scottsdale consulting firm. She works with groups in the public and private sectors across the U.S. to build and manage programs that support underserved communities. Her message, and her work, comes from the heart.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 112 Reflections on 2023 and looking towards 2024

To start out the new year, join Kevin and Don as they look back at the highlights of 2023 – including some of the year’s scariest moments to some of its most rewarding – and what they look forward to in 2024. One thing they’ve discovered as they enter the third year of this podcast: there is a never-ending supply of people doing good things in our community. Plenty more of those stories will be coming in the year ahead.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 111 Denise Wilson, The Scottsdale Symphonic Orchestra

At first glance, it’s Denise Wilson’s musical story that strikes you first. The freelance oboist and music teacher is the founder of the new Scottsdale Symphonic Orchestra. But when you get to know her, you’ll see there is much more behind the curtain. You’ll meet an aviation entrepreneur who is an experienced pilot and flight instructor and founder of several aviation businesses, including one she grew to become an Inc 500 company. An amazing story about a multi-talented woman who now has provided local musicians the chance to perform concert events that inspire us all.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 110 Officer Devon Lines and Rocket

School resource officer Devon Lines is a popular presence on the campuses of the Scottsdale Unified School District. But it’s his companion, Rocket, who draws most of the attention. Devin is a Scottsdale police officer, and Rocket is his Crisis K-9 partner, an adorable Golden Retriever. They are one of three Crisis K-9 units in the district and they are making a huge difference in the lives of students, parents and teachers. Find out why their program is such a positive, calming partner for our schools.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 109 Bryn and Andy Defusco, education advocates

By occupation, Bryn and Andy DeFusco are founding partners of their law firm. By passion, they are big proponents of public education, and especially teachers. They support teachers in the Scottsdale Unified School District with $300 stipends to buy supplies for their classrooms. Over the past four years, they have awarded over $40,000 to 130 teachers. Find out what motivates them to give back and ways you can help our schools, too.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 108 with Jim Ford.

When Jim Ford retired as Scottsdale deputy fire chief, it ended a remarkable 47-year career of fighting fires and saving lives in the city. Most important, he was the man behind the city adopting an automatic sprinkler ordinance that has been a model for cities across the world. Jim may have retired from the Scottsdale department but he’s not done serving his community. Find what he’s doing to help Cave Creek establish its fire department and be treated to some fascinating stories that have marked his career.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 107 Kevin Maxwell, Hodges Award Winner

Through 100-plus podcasts, we have featured people and organizations that contribute to making Scottsdale’s quality of life the best in Arizona. This week, we flip the mic to focus on our own podcast partner, Kevin Maxwell. In a few days Kevin will be honored with the Hodges Award from Scottsdale Leadership, and joins a list of some of the city’s most influential leaders, past and present. Tune in and discover a few things you might not know about Kevin … and find out why he’s so deserving of this award.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 106 Allan Naplan, Executive Director Arizona Musicfest

Go backstage with Arizona Musicfest CEO Allan Naplan and you will be amazed at the growth, the variety and scope of programming and the impact the organization has on Scottsdale. Allan, a former opera singer, has led the organization through a remarkable period of growth since his arrival in 2013. In addition to top-flight diverse concerts, from the Festival Orchestra to entertainers of all sorts, the organization has a full lineup of music education, youth performance and community engagement programs that benefit the city.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 105 Sarah Kearney from Blue Zones

Sarah Kearney is leading the Blue Zones Project in Scottsdale, which has a goal to make the city a healthier and happier place for current and future generations. Early next year, she and her team will be unveiling plans to invite everyone in the city to play a part. Listen in for a preview of what that’s all about and to check on the progress the group already has made along the way.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 104 Brian Passey from Scottsdale Arts

Signature events, growing every year in attendance and programming. It takes a full-time, year-round effort to pull it all off. Meet Brian Passey, communications manager for Scottsdale Arts, which organizes the event. Learn how his group has achieved its success, highlights of this year’s event and aspirations for how this could grow even bigger in the years to come.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 103 Bina Colman.

Caring for loved ones who need assistance can be a challenge. Bina Colman of Scottsdale discovered that when caring for her dad while working full time while being a mother and a wife. That sparked an idea and she created a business, Compassionate Callers. Her company provides services – from daily phone check-ins to virtual programs – that let families know their loved ones have a friendly voice to ensure they are getting the attention and care they need.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

102nd Episode Shannon Eastin

Shannon Easton did something no other woman had ever done before: become an official in the National Football League. Listen in to follow along her amazing journey, breaking through barriers in a male-dominated sport and setting a path for other women to follow. Shannon, now a director of officials for the Canyon Athletic Association, wrote a book sharing the struggles and victories she had along the way to the NFL. Shannon’s story is an inspiration for both men and women alike.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

101st Episode Patty Beckman and Dr. Libby Hart-Wells

In November, Scottsdale voters will be asked to approve a Maintenance and Operations override measure for the Scottsdale Unified School District. Listen in as Libby Hart-Wells, governing board member, and Patty Beckman, co-chair of the Yes to Children’s Campaign, explain why it’s needed and how it will work. The measure supports the people and programs that have continued to make the district one of the best in Arizona.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

100th Episode Celebration

Today & Tomorrow in Scottsdale has reached its 100th episode milestone. Over the past 2.5 years, we’ve interviewed 100 people and organizations that contribute to the unique fabric of our city. We invited a special group of them to join us in our centennial episode – a community stars’ reunion – as dozens more of our past guests watched in an event to celebrate all of their accomplishments. Our mission now carries forward as we look ahead to feature countless others in the coming year.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 99 Sam Campana

Few people have had a greater impact on our community than Sam Campana. From her role in helping to create Scottsdale Leadership to her stint on the city council and term as mayor to her support of the arts and our environment. Pick an important topic that’s been a boost for our community and it’s likely that Sam’s fingerprints are all over it! Listen in and learn a few new things about Sam, including what she is most proud of on her long list of achievements.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 98 The Women’s Collective with Jenna Kohl and Kris Cano

When you meet leaders like Jenna Kohl and Kris Cano you’ll understand why their group, the Women’s Collective, is such a positive force for our community. Both board members are passionate leaders and role models for the group’s mission to provide the support and funding to help more women advance to leadership positions in all professions. Another great example of leaders sharing their time and expertise in ways that make our city stronger.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 97 Don and Kevin

From the potential of all that technology has to offer to the civility – or lack of it in today’s world – of how some people interact with each other, we share our hopes and aspirations of what it all means for our city. Kevin and Don go solo this week and sound off on those and other topics as they continue on their mission of shining a positive light on all that’s good about our community.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 96 Jon Rosenberg

When it comes to Scottsdale’s commercial real estate scene, no one knows it better than Jon Rosenberg. Since cofounding his firm, LevRose Commercial Real Estate, 30 years ago, he has helped business people pursue their dreams throughout the city, especially downtown, where he’s been located all that time. Jon, a Scottsdale resident since 1978, has a professional and personal passion for working on ways to improve the city. Listen in for ideas on how you might do the same.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 95 Kurt Brueckner

Few people have been as involved in shaping Scottsdale as Kurt Brueckner. He’s a founding partner in Titus Brueckner Spitler & Shelts, one of the city’s leading law firms. But that’s just the tip of the impact he’s had on the city. Kurt has had leadership roles across the city for several decades, from city boards and commissions to dozens of community groups and organizations. Listen in to discover what motivates this role model community champion and how he has a lot of fun doing it all.

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Kevin Maxwell Kevin Maxwell

Episode 94 Lee Ann Witt from Scottsdale Leadership

When you get to know Lee Ann Witt, executive director of Scottsdale Leadership, you’ll learn why the organization continues to be such a valuable institution in the city. Lee Ann models what it takes to be a leader: a deep passion for the community, strong set of values and creative vision for what’s ahead. Soon she will introduce its 38th class and with new innovative programs and a full class ready for another year, it’s clear that the future of Scottsdale Leadership is in good hands.

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