Learning lessons from our students
There was good news in the Scottsdale Unified School District this week.
Voters approved the district’s request for a maintenance and operations budget override, which will fund all-day kindergarten, maintain class sizes, keep teachers’ salaries competitive and support programs like arts, athletics, music and more.
And it looks like a good investment. Because a few days before that, we learned that the district is racking up some good scores from the state Board of Education.
The district earned a letter grade of A or B for 28 of its 30 schools and its overall district grade was an A from the state board’s examination of all public schools across Arizona.
It’s a sign that the district is doing the job voters expect them to do.
Getting our noise under control
Scottsdale city officials are looking for feedback from residents on changes and updates to its noise ordinance.
I must say that I was encouraged to learn of this. I agree, we should get noise under control, as it can be disruptive, create stress and erode the quality of life that residents have enjoyed for so long.
In thinking about what kind of feedback to provide, I thought it might be good to define exactly what noise is.
A healthy community spirit in Scottsdale
We just recorded the 100th episode of our podcast, Today and Tomorrow in Scottsdale. The mission of the podcast from the start was to be a positive voice for the city. We haven’t strayed from that intention, and frankly, it has not been all that hard.
For two-and-a-half years, we’ve talked to people and organizations that make the city special. And really, you could say we’re just getting started.
Embracing the Golden Rule
Scottsdale takes pride in being a Golden Rule City. A city where people look out for each other and there is a willingness to support things for the common good. … Well … OK, no one’s perfect. But there are always opportunities to live in the spirit of that.
Break over, now let’s work together
The Scottsdale City Council returns to action this month after its summer recess. And frankly, the time off has been refreshing for anyone who pays attention to how things have been playing out recently at City Hall whenever they meet.
City manager fuss not needed
Like many of you, we’re about ready to break for a few weeks for the summer. I have one hope for when we all reconnect with each other come August.
That hope is this. That the Scottsdale City Council is not still wrestling with who will be their next city manager.
Jim Thompson, by all counts external and internal, is doing a superb job of running the city and he would like to continue doing it.
Look around the city for inspiration
I recently asked a new “friend,” where do you go for inspiration?
And here’s what Chat GPT had to say:
Let’s refresh our horse sense
Back in the day, Scottsdale was settled by people who came here with an amazing frontier spirit full of qualities and values we would be wise to embrace today.
We remember our city’s initial residents for their integrity, strength of spirit and moral character.
Too many UFO sightings
“The Truth is really out there.”
That headline in the Scottsdale Independent this week stopped me in my tracks.
It’s getting hard to uncover the truth these days. Sometimes you have to dig deep to find it. We constantly are barraged with misinformation, often from people with agendas, sometimes hidden, oftentimes not.
This diet’s hard to swallow
I’ve been scratching my head about Scottsdale’s latest broiling controversy – road diets.
This, in a city where the vast majority of residents acknowledge that that our municipal leaders and workers – those who deliver basic services to the city – perform at a level that has been pleasing to most everyone.
Truth often stranger than fiction
I haven’t had a chance to visit The Science Of Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum, which is near Scottsdale. But I will. It sounds enticing:
Banner adds to Cure Corridor lineup
As we wind our way through what will be remembered as an epic tourism season for Scottsdale, I was reminded recently of another major attraction that doesn’t involve splashy headlines.
Make time to dream about the future
At the risk of stating the obvious or arousing the few cantankerous folks who soon will be showing up in my email, Scottsdale continues to improve as an outstanding place to live, work and visit.
Scottsdale shines bright during super season
What a pleasant few weeks it has been in our fair city as we proved once again: no one anywhere throws a better or bigger party than Scottsdale and Arizona.
In support of Scottsdale schools leader
It’s hard to watch the controversy happening at the Scottsdale Unified School District and not have it touch your emotions.
A Western Tale
Howdy, partner. The Western spirit is very much alive in Scottsdale right now like it is every year around this time, and it’s with that spirit that I talk to you today.
Words of wisdom with hidden value
As we look back at the year about to end and a new one soon to be unwrapped, it’s a fitting time to look for words of wisdom that help us learn from the past and prepare for the future.
Giving thanks to those who work to benefit the community
Here’s a story designed to give you a break from the contentious times we live in today.